jailbreakme:iPhone4/3Gs/3G/iOS 4.0.1 Jailbreak越獄成功

by 星期二, 8月 03, 2010 4 回覆
這幾天看到這幾篇關於iPhone4 JB的文章:

iPhone 4 越獄 完全 JB - jailbreakme - iPhone Devteam 釋出線上 iOS 4.x Jailbreak 程式 by 大腳點滴

iPhone4/3Gs/3G/iOS 4.0.1 Jailbreak 成功完美越獄。JailBreakME 2.0 發佈 by BiApp

iPhone全系列 iOS4 JB啟動!可能是全世界最簡單的JB教學XD by 電腦王阿達的3C胡言亂語

iPhone3GS iOS4線上JB成功! by 梅問題

JailbreakMe開個網頁,iPhone 4就越獄 by T客邦

iOS 4和Cydia Package相容性列表 by iPhoneerHK

分享給有iPhone的朋友 :)

用戶只需利用 iOS 中的 Safari 瀏覽以下網址:

以下為目前能夠通過 JailbreakMe jailbreak 的裝置及對應 iOS 版本:

iPod Touch 1G with iOS 3.1.2
iPod Touch 1G with iOS 3.1.3
iPod Touch 2G with iOS 3.1.2
iPod Touch 2G with iOS 3.1.3
iPod Touch 2G with iOS 4.0
iPod Touch 3G with iOS 3.1.2
iPod Touch 3G with iOS 3.1.3
iPod Touch 3G with iOS 4.0
iPad with iOS 3.2
iPad with iOS 3.2.1
iPhone 3G with iOS 3.1.2
iPhone 3G with iOS 3.1.3
iPhone 3G with iOS 4.0
iPhone 3G with iOS 4.0.1
iPhone 3GS with iOS 3.1.2
iPhone 3GS with iOS 3.1.3
iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.0
iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.0.1
iPhone 4 with iOS 4.0
iPhone 4 with iOS 4.0.1



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

4 回覆:

pailing 提到...


Williams 提到...

To pailing:

基於安全性問題,我還沒JB... XD

pailing 提到...


Williams 提到...

To pailing:

恩呀 :)